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The Dragon's Heart
by P.J. Serrano

Chapter 1

     Flying over the salty seas of Midgard, Frida felt the icy grip of desperation tighten around her heart. She had to make it to land—survival depended on it. Her wings, battered and torn, struggled against the winds as she raced for her life through the nine realms via Yggdrasil, the Norse tree of life.

     Frida's mind flashed back to the harrowing moments that led to her escape. 
Betrothed and forced into union with the vile dragon Nidhogg by her grandparents, 
Loki and Angrboda, she faced potential horrors she could only imagine. Nidhogg, 
arrogant and depraved, saw her only as a tool for his twisted schemes—sexual slavery.

     But Frida was no sex slave. She was a dragon princess, a force of her own. 
Refusing to be a pawn in her elders' political machinations, she fought back fiercely. She plotted her scheme and waited for the right time.

     What cut deeper than her wounds was the betrayal of her father, Jörmungandr, the serpent king of Midgard. He had done nothing to stop this atrocity, leaving her to fend for herself against Nidhogg’s wrath.

     At the union ceremony, in front of the Spring of Hvergelmir, both Frida and Nidhogg were in their human form. Standing before the vast crowd, she enacted her plan, rejecting Nidhogg openly, and with disgust. Knowing she would incite a furious reaction from the vile creature, Frida shifted into her dragon form, ready for her duel.

     The battle left her seriously injured, but her spirit remained unbroken. After injuring Nidhogg, she took her opportunity to flee, racing to escape the life she left behind.

     Bloodied and determined, Frida took flight from the gnarled roots of Yggdrasil, the great world tree. The air around her crackled with energy, a mix of fear and desperation fueling her ascent as she sought to escape the relentless pursuit of Nidhogg.

     The massive dragon's roars echoed through the twisted labyrinth of roots, each bellow a reminder of the deadly threat closing in on her.

     But Frida was one of the fastest dragon racers in the nine realms. She knew she could outfly Nidhogg.

     She was experienced and had been racing other dragons in sport for years. She had meticulously planned her escape route once she got word of her betrothal. She knew every twist and bend, every racing circuit, every landscape, and every world she would need in order to escape Nidhogg’s wrath. Her plan was to race to Asgard, hoping the All-Father, Odin, would be merciful and grant her asylum.

     With a powerful beat of her wings, Frida surged eastbound, weaving through the thick tangle of roots that formed the foundation of Yggdrasil.

     The air grew warmer and lighter as she ascended, leaving behind the dark, oppressive caverns of Niflheim.

     Her path was fraught with peril, every twist and turn a potential trap set by the ancient tree's sprawling network.

     As she climbed higher, the roots gave way to the vast, shadowy realm of Helheim, its cold, lifeless landscape stretching out below her. The icy winds of the underworld clawed at her wings, threatening to drag her back down into the abyss.

     Passing through the dense mists that marked the boundary of Helheim, Frida found herself soaring over the realm of Jötunheim, the land of giants.

     Towering mountains and colossal ice formations dominated the landscape. The air was cold and thin, making each breath a challenge. But Frida pressed on, her wings beating steadily as she left the icy realm behind.

     Avoiding the eastern path, Frida knew going through Muspelheim would be the death of her. She would not survive Surtr’s wrath if she were captured. However, Svartálfheim posed a safer route. She knew the dark, rocky terrain of the land of the dwarves sprawled out beneath her. 

Chapter 2

     As she ascended higher, Frida crossed to the realm of Midgard. Reaching her limits, a wave of fatigue washed over her. Her vision blurred, and her strength waned. Unable to maintain her altitude, Frida plummeted downwards, her descent rapid and uncontrolled.

     Approaching the lush, green coastline, Frida's heart pounded with a new terror.


     She was descending too quickly, unable to slow her fall. Her heart froze, as she braced for impact, knowing the crash could be fatal.

     Trees rushed up to meet her, and with a final, desperate flap of her wings, she collided with the earth. A searing burn shot through her body as she struggled to rise, her wings battered, and her strength nearly spent.

     The journey had taken everything from her, and now, the world began fading to black.
                                                                      * * * * *

     Njal stood on the edge of the cliff, the salty breeze of the eastern coast whispering through his graying hair. Below, the ocean spread out like a shimmering tapestry, each wave lapping gently against the rocks in a soothing, rhythmic dance. He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply, trying to let the serenity wash away the blood-soaked memories that haunted his nights.

     Seventeen dragons. Seventeen lifeless beasts, each one a testament to his skill and ruthlessness. Their lifeless eyes and colossal forms weighed heavily on his soul, a burden that grew with each kill.

     Now, the peaceful life of his seaside villa beckoned—a stark contrast to the chaos and carnage that defined his existence as a dragon hunter.

     But tranquility was a fleeting illusion, shattered by the distant, agonized roar that pierced the evening sky.

     Njal's eyes snapped open, scanning the horizon. 

     Far in the distance, against the backdrop of the setting sun, a shadow moved 
erratically. It was a dragon, its massive wings struggling to stay aloft, a trail of blood marring the sky.

     The dragon was not flying so much as it was falling.

     Trailing the trajectory overhead, he heard the loud crash as the dragon landed. At that speed, Njal wondered if the dragon was dead on impact.

     The adrenaline he would have had was dissipated as he could not take credit for a kill when the beast was already dead. However, Njal had a duty to go and inspect the crash site and verify if the dragon was indeed dead, heading to Helheim.

                                                                      * * * * *

     Once he reached the crash site, Njal viewed the dragon lying on its side. It was barely alive as he could see the beast’s chest move up and down with labored breaths. He approached the beast cautiously, surveying the damage.

     It would be an easy kill for Njal right now, but somehow his heart wasn’t in it 
anymore. Looking at the dragon struggling to live, he did not have the urgency for the kill. It would not be an honorable death, killing a helpless dragon.

     The beast lay motionless, its eyes closed, appearing unconscious.

     As Njal approached cautiously, the dragon’s eyes flickered open.

     Startled, he raised his hand in a gesture of peace. To his surprise, the dragon locked eyes with him and nodded.

     It’s a sentient being.

     Njal heard a loud piercing wail as the dragon began to twitch and shake. He thought the dragon was in the throes of death. However, he soon realized the dragon was shifting into a new form, shrinking down in size. He was stunned that this dragon, a mortal enemy of his, transformed into a human female.


     "I won't kill you," he murmured, his voice barely more than a whisper. "Not like this." 

Chapter 3

     Recognition dawned on Frida’s face as she was staring at the most feared dragon killer of them all. 


     Njal the Slayer!

     Grunting from the searing pain with her right femur bone broken, Frida looked up at her enemy, knowing all too well, death was at her doorstep.


     “You’re the dragon slayer, the Drengr they call Njal, aren’t you?”

     Njal nodded. “Yes, I am.”

     “Go ahead, strike me down and claim your prize. End my suffering.”

     Njal looked at the woman lying in front of him. He was captivated by her ferocity… and her beauty. He marveled in the strength of her body.

     Regardless being badly injured, she was strong and muscular, the type of woman he always longed for. A warrior that could be his equal. For the first time in his life, Njal found someone he thought he could bond with.

     His heart fluttered as he weighed his options.

     “Not today, my friend. First, we get you healed, then we discuss the rules of our 
battle. This is, if you feel the need to fight?”

     Frida’s voice softened. “Please, mighty warrior, end my suffering, I don’t wish to go on like this.”

     Njal ran his fingers through his hair. “Will you accept my help if I give you medicine?”

     “No, I don’t want to be your prisoner, I would rather die. Please, noble Drengr, give me an honorable death.”

     And there it was… Njal’s heart burst out of his chest at her request. This woman, no, this dragon, was ready to die a warrior’s death.

     How could I fall for a dragon? 

     Right now, though, she was a human, a warrior, and he would give her the dignity she deserved.

     “I give you my word, my oath, you will not be my prisoner. I promise to help heal your wounds until you are able to fend for yourself again. Then we will negotiate.”

     Frida nodded her head. “As you wish, dragon slayer.”

     With careful hands, Njal began to assess her wounds. He wanted to make sure he didn’t injure her any more than she was.

     “May I pick you up and carry you back to my villa?”

     “Yes, but no funny business.”

     Njal’s eyes furrowed, hurt by his honor being in question. He was about to say 
something to Frida when he noticed her lips curl up into a tiny smile.


     Chuckling, Njal asked, “May I have the honor of your name, my lady?”


     Picking up Frida carefully, Njal made sure to be as gentle as possible to avoid any more injuries.

     “Pleasure to meet you, Frida. I give you my oath, to help heal your wounds, protect you when necessary, and provide you with nourishment to help sustain your full recovery.”

     Frida nodded, and her acceptance gave way to slumber as she closed her eyes, wondering if they would ever open again.

                                                                      * * * * *

     As Frida stirred from the depths of unconsciousness, her senses gradually returned, the fog of pain dissipating like morning mist. Blinking her large, amber eyes, she took in her surroundings, the unfamiliarity of Njal's villa washing over her like a tide of uncertainty.

     Looking down, she noticed her right leg wrapped up neatly as other wounds were tended to. The brightness of the morning sun shining over her face was a warm welcome. For the first time in a long time, a smile adorned her face.

     The days that followed were a delicate dance of unspoken emotions. Njal, bound by a sense of duty, tended to Frida's needs with quiet efficiency. Marie, a nurse in his care, cleaned her wounds and changed the bandages. Frida, weakened and weary, accepted their help out of necessity. Her pride, though bruised, remained. She would not burden him with her vulnerability, not fully.

Chapter 4

     Through many evenings, as Njal sat by her bedside, reading aloud from a worn book of fairytales, Frida would steal glances at him. He, in turn, found himself drawn to her, his gaze lingering on the faint scar that traced the outline on her cheek.

     There were moments, though, when their eyes met, a flicker of something unspoken passed between them.

     Through the hushed whispers of conversation, their pasts unraveled before each other. Njal learned of Frida's origins as a shape-shifting dragon, subjected to a cruel fate that forced her into an arranged union with the wicked Nidhogg. The chains of oppression she had endured being one of very few shape-shifting female dragons, ignited a glimmer of understanding in Njal's heart.

     For the first time, he perceived dragons not merely as fearsome beasts but as creatures capable of suffering and injustice. Frida's plight stirred a sense of compassion within him, awakening him to the harsh realities inflicted upon those outside the realm of humans.

     Njal's newfound empathy transformed his interactions with Frida. He listened with rapt attention to her stories of dragons and their ancient ways, unraveling the complexities of their society. Through Frida's eyes, he witnessed the prejudice and persecution that dragons had endured for centuries.

     The journey toward healing was long, but with each passing day, Njal and Frida 
found themselves drawn closer, their conflicting feelings slowly transforming into 
something unexpected, something new, something hopeful.

     Frida's recovery was a slow and arduous process, each day presenting a new challenge to overcome. With her broken right leg still on the mend, she found herself confined to the villa. Yet, despite the limitations imposed upon her, Frida refused to succumb to despair, her determination burning bright like a beacon in the darkness.

     After training sessions, Njal spoke of his days as a hunter, the thrill of the chase, and the bittersweet taste of victory. But beneath the bravado lay a well of loneliness, a longing for companionship that echoed in the depths of his soul.

Frida, in turn, hid the secrets of her heritage, the weight of her legacy pressing heavily upon her shoulders. She did speak of her battle with Nidhogg, and the subsequent failed escape to Asgard. This fueled Frida into training harder, gaining her strength back for another battle.

     In each other's words, they found solace, a shared understanding that transcended the boundaries of their differences. And as the walls around their hearts began to crumble, a seed of mutual respect took root, blossoming into something deeper and more profound.

     With each passing day, Njal's protective instincts grew stronger, his role shifting from hunter to caretaker as he watched over Frida with fierce determination. And though he fought to suppress the feelings stirring within him, he found himself drawn to her in ways he couldn't explain.

     Likewise, Frida found herself seeing Njal in a new light, his strength and resilience awakening emotions she had long thought dormant. No longer just an enemy, he became a pillar of support, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness.


     Under Njal's watchful eye, she continued a rigorous regiment of rehabilitation, each session pushing her to the limits of her endurance.

     The clang of swords echoed through the training grounds as Frida and Njal sparred, their blades a blur of steel as they danced across the courtyard.


     "Focus, Frida," Njal's voice rang out, sharp and commanding. "You cannot afford to let yourself think too much in battle. It must be instinctive."

     Gritting her teeth against the pain shooting through her leg, Frida nodded, her 
muscles trembling with exertion. With each strike and parry, she felt the weight of her injuries bearing down upon her, a constant reminder of her fragility.

     But Frida refused to yield, her determination unwavering as she met Njal's gaze 
head-on. "I will not falter," she vowed, her voice fierce with conviction. "Not now, not ever."

     And so, their training continued, each day bringing new progress and newfound 
strength. Under Njal's guidance, Frida pushed herself beyond her limits, her body a 
testament to her unwavering resolve.

Chapter 5

     As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the training 
grounds, Frida collapsed to her knees, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Sweat glistened upon her brow as she looked up at Njal, a sense of pride swelling within her chest.

     "I did it," she whispered, her voice tinged with disbelief.

     Njal offered her a genuine smile, his eyes alight with pride. "Yes, you did," he said, his voice gruff with emotion. "And you will continue to do so, for you are stronger than you realize, Frida. Never forget that."

     With those words echoing in her ears, Frida rose to her feet, her heart pounding with newfound determination. For in that moment, she knew that no obstacle was 
insurmountable, no challenge too great. With Njal by her side, she would conquer them all, one step at a time.

     The problem was, when the time came, would she want to fight Njal to the death? The searing truth ate at her heart. Njal was everything she ever dreamed about in having a mate. But he was human. Not only human, he was the greatest dragon slayer in history. What would he think of her if he knew she lived among the Gods?

     Frida feared that if Njal found out her true identity, she would have no choice but to fight him. A choice she wasn’t sure she wanted to make anymore.

                                                                      * * * * *


     Frida’s sleep was restless, her mind haunted by a vivid dream. She found herself back in Njal’s villa, but the air was thick with the scent of smoke and blood. The sky was darkened by storm clouds, and the once tranquil grounds were now a battlefield.

     Nidhogg’s massive form loomed over the villa, his scales glinting menacingly in the dim light. The dragon’s eyes burned with an ancient hatred, and its roar echoed through the valley, a harbinger of doom.

     Frida’s heart pounded as she watched the scene unfold, unable to intervene.

     The courtyard was in chaos. Marie, the young nurse who had cared for Frida, was desperately trying to shield her daughter, Ivy, from the dragon’s wrath. Ivy’s small face was etched with terror as she clung to her mother.

     Frida’s breath caught in her throat as she saw Nidhogg’s claws swipe toward them, sending them sprawling to the ground. Blood stained the cobblestones where they fell, and Frida screamed, though no sound escaped her lips.

     She turned her gaze to Njal, who stood defiantly between the dragon and the villa’s inhabitants. His sword flashed in the dim light as he fought with every ounce of his strength. But Nidhogg was relentless, his attacks brutal and unyielding.


     Frida could see the exhaustion in Njal’s eyes, the weight of every blow he parried and every wound he sustained.

     “Njal, no!” Frida’s silent cry echoed in her mind as she watched him falter. Nidhogg’s tail lashed out, striking Njal with a force that sent him crashing to the ground.

     Njal struggled to rise, his body battered and broken, but still he fought on, driven by a fierce determination to protect those he cared for.

     As Njal faced Nidhogg, his strength waning, the dragon reared back, preparing to deliver a final, fatal blow.

     Time seemed to slow as Frida watched in horror, her heart shattering as Nidhogg’s claws descended upon Njal. He fell to the ground, blood pooling around him, his eyes closing as the light faded from them.

     The villa was in ruins, the lives of its inhabitants snuffed out by the dragon’s wrath.

     Frida’s vision blurred with tears as she saw Marie and Ivy lying motionless, their bodies broken. Despair and guilt overwhelmed her, knowing that she had failed to protect them, that Njal had died because she wasn’t strong enough to face Nidhogg.


Chapter 6

     With a jolt, Frida awoke, her body drenched in cold sweat. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest as she struggled to shake off the remnants of the nightmare. The images of Njal’s lifeless body, Marie and Ivy’s injuries, and the devastation of the villa haunted her, a relentless reminder of what was at stake.

     Determination flared within her, a burning resolve to prevent her nightmare from becoming reality.

     Frida knew that healing and regaining her full strength was no longer just a matter of personal survival; it was imperative for the safety of everyone she cared about.

     “Nidhogg must be stopped,” she whispered to herself, her voice trembling with 
emotion. “I won’t let him destroy everything. I won’t let Njal die.”

     The weeks that followed were filled with relentless training and rehab. Frida pushed herself harder than ever before, driven by the fear of losing those she had come to care for.

     Njal noticed the change in her, the fierce dedication in her eyes.

     “You’re pushing yourself too hard,” he warned one evening as they sparred.

     Frida met his gaze, her expression steely. “I have to, Njal. Not for our fight, but for Nidhogg. He’s coming, and I won’t let him win.”

     “Frida, you need to rest, your body is not fully healed yet.”

     “Enough! I’m tired of everyone always telling me what I need! How about you 
support me in what I want!

     The argument between Frida and Njal erupted like a summer storm, sudden and fierce. It started with a simple disagreement over her readiness to fight again but quickly escalated.

     Njal’s words were sharp, laced with the frustration of seeing her push herself too hard.

     “You’re not invincible, Frida! You need to rest!”

     “And you think I don’t know my own limits?” she retorted, her pupils narrowing to predatory slits. “I’m not some fragile creature you can shelter forever.”

     “Maybe you should start acting like it, instead of rushing headlong into danger!”


     That was the breaking point. Her nostrils flared with each furious breath. Her jaw clenched tightly, her teeth grinding as the muscles in her face contorted.


     “I don’t need your protection, Njal. I’ve survived worse than your condescension.”

     With that admission, she stormed out of the courtyard, her temples pounding with each beat of her heart.

     Pushed to her limits, she grabbed a horse and rode west toward the sunset. She 
needed to leave, to get away from Njal.

     Her heart was torn seeing Njal’s reaction. She knew he meant well. However, Frida understood if she left the villa, they would all be safe from Nidhogg, as he would come after her instead. She wasn’t sure, but it was a risk she had to take.


     Njal, please forgive me!

     Njal stood alone in the silence that followed, the weight of his harsh words settling over him like a shroud. He regretted them immediately, but pride kept him from calling her back. He watched the door, hoping she would return, but the hours passed in solitary stillness.

                                                                      * * * * *


     In the deep of night, a shadow fell over the villa. Nidhogg, the ancient dragon, had tracked Frida to Midgard. The air grew cold and heavy as the dragon descended, its eyes burning with malevolence.

     With Frida gone, Njal took up his sword, determined to defend the villa and its 
inhabitants. The young woman, Marie, who had nursed Frida, cradling her daughter Ivy in her arms, watched in terror.

     “Njal, please, help us!” she cried, her voice trembling.

     “Go, help the others,” Njal replied, his voice steady despite the fear knotting in his chest. Nidhogg’s attack was swift and brutal. The villa’s walls shook as the dragon’s fiery breath scorched the earth. Njal fought with all his might, his blade striking true against the dragon’s scales. But Nidhogg was no ordinary dragon, its fury was unbound.

     As Njal battled the beast, he saw Ivy standing frozen in the courtyard, her mother frantically calling her back.

     Without a second thought, Njal threw himself between the girl and the dragon. 
Nidhogg’s claws raked through his armor, sending him sprawling to the ground.

     Pain seared through Njal, but he forced himself to stand, shielding the child with his body.

Chapter 7

     Far away, Frida felt the disturbance in the air, a dark presence she knew all too well, realizing Nidhogg had found her.

     He’s attacking the villa. What have I done?

     A cold shiver ran down her spine, as the weight of impending doom settled over her.

     With a mighty roar, Frida revealed her true form, her body shifting into that of a magnificent dragon. Her purple iridescent scales shimmered in the moonlight, her eyes burned with righteous fury.

     She was in a race against time, as she headed back to the villa, her heart pounding with urgency. Her wings pushing her past new speeds as the wind tore at her face, time was of the essence.

     She flew in low altitude skimming above the treetops where the wind was least 
resistant. Taking advantage of her experience in racing the dragon circuits, she used the terrain to her favor, skimming the mountain side, allowing the thrust from the g-force to help boost her speed. She was determined not to lose this race.

     As she neared the villa, the sight that greeted her filled her with horror and rage.

     Nidhogg towered over the broken form of Njal, who stood protectively over the little girl, Ivy.

     Frida’s fear transformed into a fierce resolve.

     Sprinting toward her final destination, she let loose a massive salvo of fire as she launched herself at Nidhogg, her power unleashed in a torrent of flame and fury.

     The battle between the two dragons was on, and it was titanic.

     Their roars echoed through the night, as Frida fought with a ferocity born of 
desperation and love.

     She drove Nidhogg back, her claws and teeth tearing into the ancient dragon.

     With a final, deadly strike, she wrapped her fangs around Nidhogg’s throat, 
defeating the vile dragon as it fell to the ground in a lifeless heap.

     Returning to the villa, Frida shifted into her human form. Breathing heavily, she 
rushed to Njal’s side.

     He was gravely injured, but alive. She knelt beside him, tears mingling with the dirt on her face.

     “Njal, I’m so sorry,” she whispered, her voice trailing off into nothingness.


     He smiled weakly, his hand reaching up to touch her face. “You came back,” he said, his voice filled with relief and affection.

     “Always,” she replied, her heart full of gratitude and newfound love.

     Frida looked around and saw there were many casualties.

     Nausea filled her throat with a rancid taste of bile as she felt responsible for the lives lost tonight.

     As she surveyed the courtyard, she saw Ivy leaning over to help her mother up and deal with her injuries. A momentary sigh escaped her mouth.

     Njal looked at Frida, lifting his hand to move a strand of hair past her ear.

     “I’m sorry, Frida. It looks like we’re going to have to delay our duel a little bit longer.”

     Frida, eyes now full of tears, was able to laugh at Njal’s remark. “I think we’ll forego the duel in favor of something more fulfilling, eh?”

     Njal’s eyebrows raised in surprise, “Oh.”

     Frida leaned in close to his face. “Njal, I almost lost you tonight. No more talk of 
duels, I want to stay, help you heal, help you rebuild the villa.”

     Njal smiled, then grimaced as remembered his injuries. “I’d love for you to stay, 
Frida, but would there be another reason?”

     Now it was Frida’s turn to smile. “Yes, Dragon Slayer, there is,” she said, as she 
leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Njal’s lips.

     His smile curved ear to ear. “You know? I almost had to die, to get that kiss, but it was worth it!”

     Frida laughed as she looked down at Njal. “I love you.”

     Njal smiled, raised his hand again, and brushed her cheek, “I love you too. So much. Frida, will you be my wife?”

     Without hesitation, she answered, “Yes!”


     In time, as the months went by, the villa began to take shape once more. Walls were rebuilt, gardens replanted, and hope restored. Frida’s hands were in every part of the recovery, her heart and soul poured into each task.

     Njal’s condition improved steadily under Marie’s care. His strength returned, and with it, his indomitable spirit. He watched Frida from his window, his heart swelling with pride and affection.

     One morning, as the sun rose above the horizon, casting the villa in a golden glow, Njal found Frida in the courtyard. Dressed in a white gown, she was walking barefoot and enjoying the budding flowers she and little Ivy had planted. Her eyes sparkled with a sense of accomplishment.

     “Frida,” he called softly, drawing her attention.

     She turned, her smile radiant. “Njal, you’re up!”

     He nodded, walking toward her with a slight limp. “I couldn’t stay in bed without you, my dear.”

     Frida smiled, as she stepped closer to him, her glow shined brighter than the morning sun, “I had to come out and look at our beautiful gardens.”

     “They are beautiful, as are you, my love,” Njal said, his heart fluttering. “Come, take a walk with me, please.”

     Njal led Frida to the eastern cliffs, where the world seemed to open up before them in a breathtaking panorama. The cliffs, rugged and ancient, jutted out over the vast expanse of the ocean, their edges softened by a carpet of emerald-green grass and wildflowers that danced in the gentle breeze.

     “Thank you, Frida, for everything you’ve done to rebuild here.”

     Frida’s heart sang with a sweet melody, a serenade that echoed in the silence of the morning.

     “You don’t need to thank me. We’re in this together, remember?”

     Njal reached out, taking her hand in his. “Yes, together.”

He could no longer see any other life, than the one he had with Frida right now.

     Frida turned to glance at Njal, and in his gaze, she saw a future filled with hope, love, and endless possibilities.

     Looking down at the bump protruding from her stomach, Frida couldn’t help but 
smile at the man responsible for her happiness as she rubbed her belly, feeling the soft kicks from the baby.

     Njal wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. As they both watched the sun rise off the eastern horizon, they knew it was the beginning of the rest of their lives.

     The waves crashed against the cliffs below, a symphony of nature that underscored the promise of a new day. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the world and the love they shared, they felt invincible, ready to face whatever the future might hold.

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