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The Joker and the Thief
by P.J. Serrano



     Hmm, we arrived at the jump zone pretty quickly.

     Nice job Ray


     I was hooked to the overhead cable securely, however, the air pressure hitting my body continued its relentless pursuit of destabilizing me.

     My wingsuit didn't help matters, but it was necessary for this evening. 


     "Ray, if you betray me, I will kill you and your entire family."

     Ray smiled at me and held up the shrink-wrapped package of cash I paid him


     "You're my best customer, consider this a retainer. If you ever need me again. I'm all yours."

     I nodded my head and gave Ray my best smile. I didn't smile anymore. The wind was cold and cruel as the pressure seared my face. I jumped when the time reached :00.

     I dove hard at a forty-five degree angle to reach my planned altitude. This was the part I always dreaded, arching my body past the pressure getting the wingsuit to open up and give me lift.


     Struggling against the G-force, the electric bolts of pain raced through my spine, as the wind pressure weighed my arms down. I was able to push them forward and spread them out, allowing me to glide forward. 

     When I landed, I checked my watch, I was ahead of schedule. With my anchor secured, my rope tied in a knot, I began my decent down the side of the building. 

Once I reached Robert's apartment, I pulled out my diamond cutter. I quickly cut a nice opening in the window big enough for me to enter without slicing a piece of my flesh in the process.

     I entered the apartment and took stock of my
surroundings. All lights were off, no alarms beeping and I had the apartment all to myself.


     Walking around his contemporary decorated apartment, reminded me, that Robert was a minimalist.

     The night we spent in Seattle, was the first time he broke my heart. The vise that clamped my heart returned as my chest tightened in its grip. Robert was going to pay. When I entered his bedroom, my heart ached as I remembered that wonderful night in Monaco, where he brought me to his bed, lined with rose petals. 

     But every rose has its thorns.

     Turning away from the bed to avoid the stinging tears that threatened to flow, one escaped and I wiped it away, without a trace.

     My feet touched lightly on the hardwood floor as I made my way to his dresser. I opened his sock drawer. I peeked inside and he had remnants of jewelry stored in clear boxes. My Jewelry!

     Robert had one earring each, of five sets. He had taken a couple of bracelets and one charm. The charm was a heart with a dollar sign in the middle. 

     My heart thundered as my mind was the storm. Did Robert steal from me, or were these pieces taken as trophies of his conquests? 

     As my chest tightened, and my pulse raced, the jaws of love clamped down hard around my heart. Did he truly care about me? Were these items a reminder of our time together? 

     My mind signaled the warning klaxons but my heart had other plans. 

     The apartment door squeaked open, so I sauntered over to the corner of his room, waiting for him to show his face.

     Roberts footsteps echoed as I pulled out my gun. He walked in, turned the light on and noticed his dresser drawer open. He glanced at me with a surprised look on
his face. 



     "Hello Robert."


     With Robert standing in front of me, the pain in my chest was nearly audible as my heart pounded heavily.

     "Raven, are you working a job? Are you stealing from me?" he said softly. "You don't have to, I'll give you anything you want, just ask me."

     He stepped closer to me, I pointed the weapon. The click of the hammer was audible, as I pulled it down. 

     "You hurt me Robert, I believed in you, and you tore my heart to shreds."

     I now had the gun pointed at his chest. He walked up carefully with his hands raised.

     "I never meant to hurt you, Raven. I left to protect you from my mess."


     He was right in front of me as he grabbed my weapon and gently moved it out of the way. 

     I wanted to shoot, but my heart wouldn't let me. Tears cascaded down my face as he leaned in to kiss me. Our lips brushing ever so slightly, I enjoyed the mintiness on his breath. He released my hand and I allowed his to flow down to my hips and to the small of my back.

     Rubbing lightly, he elicited a moan from me. My desire for him quickly altering my course of hatred. Gone was my urge to kill him, replaced with my urge to bed him. 

     Why? Why am I doing this again? 

     Why did I let him torture me?

     Stupid, you know how this ends.


     His kisses wrote checks my body wanted to cash.

     He grabbed the hair at the back of my head, pulled my head back and gazed at me with lustful intent. He assaulted my neck, as I closed my eyes and enjoyed his expert touch. 

     The zipper at my neckline was starting to come down as my back was exposed.

We had disrobed in seconds as Robert laid me down on his bed. Kissing his way along my floral tattoo under my left breast, down towards my navel. 

     I closed my eyes and let the fireworks begin.

 * * * * * 


     I woke up, sun shining in my face and a note left on the bed with a purple rose. 

     Robert was always the Joker, and I was his thief. However, this morning, I was the one left wearing the clown face.

I read the note:

Meet me in Monaco… you know the place!

Love Robert.

“Oh, be still my beating heart.”

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Badge of Honor: Web of Deceit
by P.J. Serrano

     Bullets whizzed past Jack Sloan’s head. 

     He ducked behind a row of parked cars. His heart pounded, adrenaline pumping through his veins. 

     He peeked out. 

     Three men in dark suits, moved with deadly precision.

     "Jack Sloan! You’re surrounded!" one of them shouted. 

     Jack’s grip tightened on his gun. He had to keep moving, had to find a way out.


     Jack bolted. After vaulting over a car hood, he sprinted down a narrow alley. 


     The sound of gunfire followed him, echoing off the walls. 

     He slid around a corner, crashing into a stack of crates. 

     Pain shot through his shoulder, but he didn’t stop. He couldn’t afford to.

     Ahead, he spotted a fire escape ladder. With a burst of speed, he leapt up, grabbing the bottom rung and hauled himself up. 

     He climbed quickly, reaching the rooftop and rolling to cover behind an air conditioning unit.

     He checked his surroundings. The men hadn’t followed him up, at least not yet. He needed to think, to plan his next move. 

     Why did my own department turn against me?

     Jack had been a cop for fifteen years. He had made enemies, sure, but nothing like this. 

     The setup had been perfect—-evidence planted, witnesses bribed. 

     Now, he was a fugitive, framed for murder and corruption. 

     He had to clear his name, but first, he had to stay alive. He needed to leave this neighborhood.

     Winded, Jack glanced around, looking for an escape.


     He spotted a route on the rooftop he could take. Visually mapping his steps, he proceeded to leave.

     As he made his way to ground level, Jack managed to get several blocks away. Walking through the alley, he spotted a homeless man.

     “Hey, buddy.”

     The man looked up and smiled. He was wearing a plain hoodie. Perfect for what Jack needed. 

     “How about I give you my coat and trade for your hoodie?”

     “Yeah, sure,” the man replied. 

     Jack gave him his warm coat. He also left twenty bucks in his pocket for the man. 

     Walking out of the alley, he made his way to the bus stop. 

     The hoodie reeked of alcohol, but it would hide his appearance well.


     He waited for the 117 Bus to take him south to the Portage Park neighborhood. Exiting onto third street, he would figure things out. Lay low for a while.

     His phone buzzed. Jack glanced at the screen. Unknown number. 

     He hesitated, then answered.

     “Jack,” a young voice whispered. “It’s Maya.” 

     “Maya? Uh…”

     “You saved me at the warehouse, remember?”

     Jack’s mind flashed back to the chaotic scene. 

     He had been working undercover on a sting operation when this teenage girl stumbled upon a group of armed men. He’d managed to get her out, barely.

     “Maya, I remember you now. Are you ok?” Jack asked, keeping his voice low.


     “Yes, thank you. I’m more concerned about you. Meet me at the old arcade on Fifth. I can help you.”

     “How do you know about this?”

     “I’m a hacker… duh!”

     Jack closed his eyes and sighed. “Maya, I don’t want to bring you into this.”

     “Jack, I owe you. I know you’re being framed. I have intel you’ll need to see.”  

     Jack didn’t have a lot of options. He needed all the help he could get. 

     He sighed, “Ok, I’m on my way. Stay safe.”

     He hung up and made his way down the street. The crisp autumn air quickened his pace. The city skyline was his backdrop. Jack knew, He had to stay one step ahead.

     At the arcade, Jack slipped inside through the side door. The place was dark, abandoned. He moved cautiously, hand on his gun.

     “Jack,” Maya called from the shadows.


     She stepped into the light, her face pale but determined. “Over here.”

     Jack joined her, glancing around. “We don’t have much time. What do you have for me?”

     Maya sat down at a makeshift workstation, a laptop open in front of her. “I’ve been digging. The people after you—they’re not just cops. They’re hired guns. Someone powerful is pulling the strings.”

     Jack nodded. “I figured that much. Any leads?”

     “There’s a lot of chatter on the police scanner about you. So, I did some digging.”

     Maya’s fingers flew over the keyboard. “I hacked into Senator Ross’s database. Your wife works for him, right?”

     Jack’s stomach dropped. “Sarah? She’s his campaign manager. What does she have to do with this?”

     Maya pulled up a series of documents on the screen. “Zoning laws, bribes, and property foreclosures. They’re buying properties cheap and flipping them for millions. Your wife’s name is all over the paperwork.”

     Sarah? Involved in this? 

     It didn’t make sense, but the evidence was damning.

     “Jack, you’re being framed for the murders of several business owners who refused to sell. They are setting you up to take the fall.”


     Jack’s jaw clenched. “I need to talk to her.” 

     Maya shook her head. “It’s too dangerous. She’s being watched. We need more evidence. Besides, the clock is ticking on your head.”

     Jack paced, running a hand through his hair. “There’s a fundraiser tonight. Ross will be there. Maybe I can get close, find something.”

     Maya nodded. “I can look deeper for more evidence. I’ll then hack into the event’s feed. If we can get proof, we can show everyone.”

     “Alright,” Jack said, determination hardening his voice. “Let’s do it.”

     Maya looked up at Jack. “We have to get more evidence tonight, put the truth out to the world before it’s too late. For you.”

     Jack looked down. “Can you get phone records?”

     “Sure. I can also get a cloning device. All we’ll need to do is get within five feet of Senator Ross. Once we do, we clone his phone for evidence.”

* * * * *

     Hours later, Jack stood outside the opulent Marigold hotel. He adjusted his stolen tuxedo, blending in with the wealthy guests. 

     Maya’s voice crackled in his earpiece. “I’m in,” she said. “I’ve hacked into the feed. Go inside and get close to Ross.”

     Jack took a deep breath. “Are you sure this cloning device will work?”

     “Yes. My guy Josué hooked me up. But you have to get close to him. At least within five feet. Press the button. Boom, you’re done.”

     “Thank you, Maya. I owe you.”

     “No, Jack. You saved me. I’m simply helping out my hero.”

     Jack entered the ballroom, scanning the crowd. 

     Senator Ross stood around, shaking hands and smiling. 

     Jack clenched his hands, as heat rose within. He made his way through the throng, his heart pounding.

     “Jack,” a familiar voice called. He turned to see Sarah, his wife. Her face a mix of surprise and fear. “What are you doing here?”

     Jack grabbed her arm. “I need to talk to you,” he said, his voice low. “In private.”

     Sarah hesitated, then nodded. They moved to a quiet corner of the room. “What’s going on, Jack? Why are the police looking for you?”

     Jack looked into her eyes, searching for any hint of betrayal. “I know about the properties, the bribes. Why did you frame me?”

     Sarah’s eyes widened. “Jack, it’s not what you think.”

     “Then explain,” he demanded.

     Sarah glanced around, then leaned in. "I didn’t want to involve you. Ross… he found out about us, our money troubles. He offered me a deal. I didn’t know it would come to this."

     Jack’s blood ran cold. "You betrayed me."

     "Jack, I—" Sarah started, but he cut her off.

     "Save it," he said, turning away. 

     The blood in his veins ran cold. He couldn’t trust her. Not now.

     Ross’s voice boomed over many of the guests, pulling Jack’s attention. "Thank you all for coming tonight. Your support means everything."

     "Jack," Maya’s voice buzzed in his ear. "Get ready. I’m switching the feed."

     Jack moved closer to Senator Ross, his pulse racing. On the giant screen behind Ross, images began to flash. Documents, emails, video recordings. The room fell silent.

     "Here is the truth," Jack shouted, stepping forward. 

     He approached Ross, then hit the button on the phone. The cloning began. 

     Jack put his arm around Senator Ross’s shoulder. He whispered in his ear, "Ross, you’re a prick, you’re done for."

     Gasps echoed through the ballroom. 

     Ross’s face twisted in anger and fear. "Security!"

     Maya spoke over the earpiece. “Jack, I got it! All of it.”

     The police stormed in. They headed straight for Ross and Jack. 

     Jack watched as his former Sergeant came up and gave him a nod. Jack held his arms out to give himself up. 

     He caught sight of Maya at the edge of the room, a small smile on her face. His heart sang with relief. 

     She’d done it. 

     We’d done it.

     Sarah walked over to where Maya was standing and put her arm around her. 

     Jack was confused as he saw both women smile.

     When he looked up at the screen, his warm sense of victory vanished. He watched as the information Maya had streamed was all indicting him. 

     His heart dropped to his stomach. There was nothing relating Ross or Sarah to the documents. 

     A sense of dread coursed through him. Maya had betrayed him.

     Sergeant Reed approached Jack with handcuffs in tow. Reed was Jack’s boss back at 19th District Headquarters.

     Sergeant Reed leaned in. “I’m sorry we have to cuff you, Jack. But out of courtesy, we’ll take you out the back way.”

     Jack nodded, struggling to breath.

     Maya approached him, her eyes shining with relief. "I’m sorry, Jack. It wasn’t personal."

     He looked at her, his pain evident. "Why?"

     After Sergeant Reed put the handcuffs on, they walked out through the rear exit. 

Jack knew the procedures at the station. This was going to be a long night.

     Maya gave them the evidence they needed. His department would trace all the calls and texts implicating him.

     Jack was taken down to the station. He was put in a holding cell, waiting to be interrogated. 

     Several hours had passed, he ate a small meal, but no interrogation. What was more concerning were the other detainees being released.

     No witnesses.

     Remembering the fundraiser, Jack reflected on what he saw when he noticed Sarah putting her arm around Maya. Their eyes… were the same. Maya’s nose and chin… looked like the Senator’s. 

     Sarah had said she gave a child up for adoption when she was young. 

     Could it be? 

     Sarah… Maya… and the Senator?

     Jack stood up fast; the blood flowed too quickly. His world went dark.

* * * * * 

     When Jack came to, he was sitting in a chair. He felt groggy and disoriented. 

Two guards and a lawyer stood there. 

     He struggled to remember what happened. 

     The cold jail cell came into focus. Harsh fluorescent lights flickered above.

The lawyer leaned in. "Time is up, Jack."

     Jack's eyes widened. He felt a weight around his neck. He glanced down. A makeshift noose, torn fabric, draped around him. 

     Panic surged, cold and paralyzing. 

     He tugged at the noose. 

     Before he could react, he felt a sharp yank.

     With one brutal tug, he lifted off the ground. 

     His breath escaped in a choked gasp. His legs flailed helplessly. Spots formed in his vision. Burning spread through his throat and lungs. 

     He clawed at the fabric, desperate for air.

     The guards didn't move. Their faces were expressionless. They watched as if it were routine. 

     The lawyer stepped back. His eyes were cold and detached. He observed Jack's final moments.

     Darkness closed in. The world narrowed to a pinpoint. Jack's struggles grew weaker. His movements slowed. 

     Finally, his body went limp. The pain receded. An eerie numbness replaced it.

     The last thing Jack saw was their indifferent faces. The guards and the lawyer were blurred and shadowy. 

     The last thing he felt was crushing hopelessness. The finality of his fate.

     And then, there was nothing.

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